
Happy Birthday, Megan!

Birthdays that fall on or near a major holiday are often and easily overlooked.  Our dear sister, Megan, has one of those birthdays.  While she was actually born on Thanksgiving day, this year her birthday falls today, the day following Thanksgiving.  Since we were not together this year, we could not wish Megan a Happy Birthday in person.  Instead we would like to use our blog post today to let her know that we love her, are thinking of her, and wish we could all enjoy a big piece of chocolate cake together.  The following are our tributes to Megan:

By the time typical girls have been sisters for five years, there have been many fights and arguments, times of laughter and making memories.  I guess one of the blessings of becoming sisters as adults is that you can skip the fights and arguments and jump right to the laughter and making memories.  I am very thankful for you.  You are a great helpmeet for my brother.  God has equipped you to be his helper, and I thank God for that.  You are also a great sister.  I am thankful that you are a part of our family, and I enjoy the times we are together.  I pray that this next year will be one of growing to be more like Christ, and of drawing closer to each other as sisters.

Happy Birthday!
Love, Joanne

From Sarah:
Some of my favorite things about megan are her ability to laugh, her loyalty to people and her love for learning. She shows these qualities not only in her every day talk with us but her every day walk with the Lord. Thanks Megan, for being such a joy to be around!
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Megan. So many things you have brought to The Sisterhood, and to my own life. There is our shared love for tea (not just any tea will do!), and the love for Jane Austin, and other Victorian classics. More importantly, you have been a huge encourager. Your consistent reminder of God's provision, strength, and plan is seen in your daily life. Your organization skills, are something that I am continually learning from. Thank you Megan for being part of our lives.


Megan--Happy Birthday, dear sister. I am so very thankful that you are in our incredibly non-crazy, normal family! Here are a few words that describe you!

M- Mentor (reaches out to others) 
E- Erudite (very educated and well read)
G-Godly (loves God and has an awesome testimony)
A-Awesome (fun to be around)
N-Neat (very clean and organized!)

Love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Megan.....Dee Dee Payne

  2. Okay, so I didn't even read this myself until just now - 2 days later. Can you tell it's been a busy weekend? But MANY THANKS to all of you sisters - you are awesome! This made my day. Love you all!
