
Children's Author Highlight: Judi Barrett

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For an occasional flavor of the crazy, absurd, or silly in a children's book, I would like to recommend the author Judi Barrett.  In searching for more information about Judi Barrett and her works I have discovered many titles that I have not read (though will be checking out from the library soon).  Barrett writes wildly imaginative stories, which are illustrated by others.

Perhaps Barrett's most popular book is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (having been recently made into a movie).  My children seem enthralled by the town of Chewandswallow and the notion that fried chicken and cherry pie can fall from the sky like rain.  I would recommend this book for 4-8 year olds.

Our most recent Judi Barrett favorite is called Animals Should Definitely NOT Wear Clothing.  My children and I thoroughly enjoy reading this book.  We all laugh at the hilarious illustrations of a moose caught up in suspenders, opossums wearing clothes upside down, and a giraffe wearing 12 neckties.  This book is a great read with preschoolers. 

We have also enjoyed Never Take a Shark to the Dentist - another silly book of animals doing "human things" and the ridiculous consequences of doing so.  For example, never take a centipede shopping for shoes, or never give a moth a sweater.

This week's light-hearted book recommendations by Judi Barrett are:

  • Cloudy with a Change of Meatballs
  • Animals Should Definitely NOT Wear Clothing
  • Never Take a Shark to the Dentist
What other Judi Barrett books have you enjoyed?

Disclaimer: Our recommendation of the books mentioned in this post is not a complete endorsement of the author, illustrator, or their other works.  Please use discernment in selecting books by any given author.

This is part 8 in the Children's Author Highlight Series.  Click here for more children's author recommendations.

1 comment:

  1. Animals should definitely not wear clothing is one of our favorites! Amy Butler
