
Felt Monogram Ornaments

I love felt for so many reasons. The colors are endless, the textures are finger-friendly, the edges never need finishing, and the cost is unbeatable at 25 cents a sheet. I started making many of our crafts out of felt years ago and still haven’t gotten over it (in fact, even starting to sell some online now). So this post will show you a simple ornament tutorial made from felt that can be completely made by hand…no sewing machine required (inspired by this post here).


You’ll need to cut 2 circles of desired color and a white monogram letter. You can either eyeball the letter and cut it out or print out an enlarged letter from your printer, trace it onto the white felt, then cut.

Blanket stitch your white monogram letter to one of your circles. This is done by inserting your threaded needle down through the monogram and up through the edge of the monogram, wrapping your thread tail around the needle and pulling the needle through. Repeat all the way around your letter and inside any letter holes if you wish. 

On the second colored circle, hot glue a tab of ribbon or twine to the top center.

“Sandwich” the two circles together, making sure the side with the hot-glued tab is facing the inside. Begin a running stitch through the circle “sandwich” edge and at the halfway mark stop to add some polyfill to the inside. Finish the running stitch making sure to tuck the finishing knot on the back or the inside edge.

Hang or wrap your ornament - and enjoy gifting these to your friends and family! 

Sarah for the Sisterhood

**Check out Sarah's felt etsy shop here**

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