
This is How We Pray for Our Children

A year or so ago, I came across a post by the parents of one of my very good friends. In this post, her parents - missions workers and church planters in Cambodia for many years - shared a list of requests and ways in which they have prayed for their children (and grandchildren and great-grandchildren) for the past 30 years. With their permission, I am gladly sharing this with you.
 (Email us for a downloadable PDF copy of this list on 4x6 cards)

by JD & Kim Crowley

For around 30 years Kim and I have prayed for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and their spouses (often during a time of fasting and prayer during the Tuesday or Wednesday lunch hour). Besides praying for individual requests as needs arose, we have prayed the same general requests below, week after week, year after year—and we’re constantly amazed how God faithfully answers. The more we pray, the more we receive. God has given us enough faith to believe him to answer these requests to the fourth generation, that is, our great-grandchildren. For the generations beyond that, it’s up to our kids to continue this tradition.

Grant them a heart of repentance from sin
Give them faith in Christ from an early age
Fill them with your Holy Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit
Lead them to be baptized into your church
Make them members of a strong church with godly elders
Give them spiritual gifts for use in the church, and help them faithfully use them
Lead them always to increase in holiness
Keep them within the orthodox faith of Christ and the apostles.
Protect them from false teachers and false teaching
Make them fruitful proclaimers of the gospel, filled with love for all
Make them humbly committed to daily prayer
Give them hunger for daily Bible reading
Fill them with love and forbearance toward others
Help them endure trials with faith and joy
Help them guard their conscience
May their lives be like the sun that rises stronger and stronger until the full of day

Give them hearts that constantly overflow with thankfulness
Make them peacemakers
Give them a vocation/skill/work that provides for their family and is useful to society
Give them a sense of purpose and joy in their life work
Rescue them from the fear of man
Provide for them a good education
Help them apply themselves diligently to their studies and other work
Rescue them from laziness and dishonesty

Influences and Relationships
May they be quick to forgive
Give them godly friends all their lives who will influence them to love God
Give them godly influences from “uncles and aunts” and “substitute parents,” especially as our influence wanes
Don’t let them go through a time of teenage rebellion
Help them remain pure and enter marriage as virgins
May they marry only strong believers
Save, sanctify, and bless their future spouse
Keep divorce away from their lives and their children’s lives for many generations
Give them the gift of children and the grace to raise them up in the faith of Christ
If they are to remain single, make them unusually fruitful for God’s kingdom
Protect them from sexual predators
Protect them from deviant sexual desires

Heal and protect them from sicknesses and diseases
Protect them from accidents
Give their country peace in their lifetime

for the Sisterhood

For a PDF copy of cards you can print off, email us here at albright.sisterhood@gmail.com

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